A bit of history
I grew up in the forests of a family owned conservation and hunting reserve in Sweden. I come from a background of several generations of hunting conservationists, explorers and naturalists who saved a great number of species from extinction. People who all read a lot, grew things, hunted and had an opinion.
I always had the sense that I stood at the very edge of a forest, and could study man in the open field, whilst thinking about the puzzle of being in both places at once. I doubt this sensation will ever go away from anything I do in my life.
I put my trust in nature as a hunter, question and explore man as a writer, both with insatiable curiosity.
My Grandfather Bengt Berg - conservationist, filmmaker and writer. Click on his image for more information.
By Photographer Wayne Maser for Tatler Magazine.
My grandmother with a greylag goose, at home. One of the species my grandfather and she saved from extinction in Sweden.
A man-eating crocodile my grandfather shot on one of his expeditions.
The Indian Rhino, that my grandfather was part of saving from extinction about 100 years ago.
Professional hunter in Tanzania for more than three decades.
My daughter Mink and I on a trip to Manyara National Park.
One of my experiments. what will happen if I play dead?
Membership of the Tanzanian Professional Hunters Association.
Where I wrote my first book.
My sister and I taking care of our foster wildlife on the family estate.
Natasha continues to be an author, hunter, conservationist and speaker.
The autobiographical work “ I Merubjergets regnskygge, breve til min datter “ is published. ( All will be well.)
Finished the making of the four part documentary series “Skypaths”
Link: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/skypaths
“Ivory Black Foundation” is formed between Natasha and one other, in the desire to urgently do something about the rapidly declining populations of African elephants, due to grand scale organised international poaching.
When returning to hunt buffalo after one and a half years she is shocked and horrified to see the bush full of poached elephant carcasses and starts getting involved in elephant conservation.
Had the honour to head an expedition where I took ten severely physically disabled people on foot across Namibia. Filmed and aired by Sweden’s national television, SVT.
Gives birth to her daughter Mink Fredrika.
The novel “ Vildnis” is published (“Bark of the sundogs”) in several languages.
The short story collection “Med hensyn til Harry og andre fortællinger.” is published in danish. ( Looking at Harry and other stories)
Becomes first woman full member of the African Professional Hunters Association A.P.H.A. and the Tanzanian Professional Hunters Association T.P.H.A.
The novel “Abens hjerte” is published in danish. (“ Heart of the ape”).
The autobiographical work “Tea on the Blue Sofa” is published in several languages. (Te i den blå sofa)
Starts working as a fully licensed professional hunter in Tanzania.
The autobiographical work “Floder af rød jord” is published in several languages. (Rivers of red earth.)
Moves to Tanzania and starts working as an apprentice professional hunter.
Starts a forestry education in Denmark. Escapes back to Africa as soon as possible.
Writes a collection of poems in Swedish and tries to publish for the first time.
Goes to South Africa to work as a helping hand on game farms.
Finishes school. Lundsbergs Skola.
Born to Danish mother Marianne Illum Berg and Danish / Swedish father Iens Illum Berg. One sister. Brought up on the hunting estate / wildlife and conservation reserve, Eriksberg in Blekinge, Sweden. This reserve, which is one of northerns europes largest protected areas for wildlife, was later opened to the public.